Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So You Had A Bad Day?

Today has been a terrible day. I don't know any other way to put it. My sugar is up, I am tired, I have no energy at all, and I feel horrible both mentally and physically.

I hate feeling this way but it is a feeling that I am very familiar with. My family and friends really don't understand how I feel and when I try to explain it to them it just doesn't make sense.

I try not to use diabetes as an excuses, but what else could it be? I am usually a happy person full of love and energy but since I have been sick I feel like I am the total opposite. The way I feel is not something I am proud of, in fact I hate it. I feel like like I am a little kid on a play ground and a big bully is pushing me around...the bully being diabetes.

I have school work to catch up on already and my mood isn't helping the situation. I try to do my homework but all I want to do it curl up in a ball and sleep today away.

Tomorrow better be a better day for me, I can't take another day like today.

Praying for better tomorrow

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