Monday, April 19, 2010

A Helping Hand

I came across this guy who has type 1 diabetes. He isn't taking care of himself, and now he really has himself stuck in a rut. As far as I know his sugar has been running in the 600s for over a week now. He has pain in his legs and his vision has become blurry. When I found all this out I wasn't sure if I should intervene. I prayed to God about it and even talked to this guy's sister in law. I didn't want to step on any one's toes, but I felt like I had to do something.

I started off by emailing him and explaining to him what his body was going through. I told him he needed to call his doctor or go to the hospital. I gave him tips about checking for ketones and keeping himself hydrated. I made him well aware of the complications he may have to go through if he doesn't take action now.

After the email, I felt good about myself. I thought..finally I get to help someone. It was the email I got in return that made me wish I wasn't so kind. He emailed me back and the only thing it said was "XXX-XXXX, here is my me." WHAT? Are you kidding me? I refuse to call this guy! Seeming how this a friend of mines brother and brother in law, I started to feel obligated to get this guy some help.

This morning I messaged him on Facebook with one simple question...."How is your blood sugar?" The reply I got back was not one I wanted to see. He said his sugar was still in the 600s and that he was still having pain in his legs and that he was completely clueless about what he should do. Grrrrr..... I told you what to do fool!

Maybe God is testing my Patience. If so, haha real funny! I continue to pray about the situation but I don't know what to do next, or if I should do anything else for that matter. I felt like I was doing the right thing, but now I'm starting to question myself.

How do you help someone that doesn't want help? Would you give up on them? Those are the questions I leave you with today. Please share with me what you would do. I can't wait to hear from you.

Peace & Patience,

PS- I'm starting a project today to help me grow! It is called the 365 project and I tried it once before but didn't stick with it. This time though I AM AND WILL DO IT! The project consists of taking 1 picture a day for 365 days. At the end of the year you can look back and see how you have grown, not only as a photographer but also as a person. I will try and post some of my pictures on here for everyone. Wish me luck!

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