Friday, April 16, 2010

Strike...Your Out!

Monday has come and gone and it has taken me a week to recover. Most people dread Mondays and I never really had that feeling until this past one. My Monday morning started at 8AM in the Endo's office. The doctor's order called for a blood sugar check every 30 minutes and then once my sugar reached 45 or below they could draw blood. I dreaded this information very much, especially since I wasn't allowed anything to eat since Sunday.

By the second sugar check my blood glucose level was at 46. I begged them to go ahead and take my blood but they refused and said it must be under 45. I was there for 9 hours that day and had a total of 19 sticks. I never went below 46 and I never had my blood drawn.

I was devastated, I felt cheated...cheated out of a Monday! Before leaving the office the doctor gave me a prescription for cortisol. I am to pick it up from the pharmacy and pay for it with my own money and then call his office and make an appointment for a cortisol test.

Luckily for me...I'm on strike again! I have no desire to get that prescription filled and make that appointment. Maybe that will change in time, but for now it isn't going to happen.

I am taking each day as it is given to me. I am eating right and I am adjusting my body to the insulin again. Any time I have to fast it always messes my body up and I have to start from the very beginning. I want to give my body a good month to adjust to the insulin before I make any major decisions on this cortisol test. Wish me luck!

If you notice anything new about my blog...I have started my own blog site. I will still be posting on TuDiabetes but I feel to reach more people I need to venture out a little so that is what I am doing. You can subscribe to my blog now, and you can even become a follower. I am planning on posting recipes, tips, workouts, must read books, etc. to my blog so be sure to subscribe. Also, you will now be able to leave comments on the blog post. This is great for me because I would love to hear some feed back.

Most of all, I just hope to continue to educate and help others in need, including myself.

Hope to hear from you soon

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